Strength for the Weak

There is this woman I have known for many years. She is the kind of woman you know has a hard life, by looking at her. The sight of her heavy eyes and sunken in cheeks bring out a motherly instinct to hold her. She never set foot in a school building as a student, not for one day. Yet she carries her Bible everywhere she goes. She has raised two adult children and has 3 more at home. Her husband died many years ago and so she bears life’s burdens alone, every single day. She is proud to tell you her children are all being educated, but you know the price for their education is a high one for her to pay.

Her pace is slow, her posture defeated.

She is the most generous person I know. She showers me with gifts I do not deserve, and with each one I fight back tears knowing that gift meant sacrifice. 

She is a kind woman, whom I deeply admire.

Recently this gentle woman had a break down of sorts. I don’t know what the trigger was, although, I imagine there were many.  It seemed as though she just needed to be away from her struggle, just for a little while, but there was no escape for her.

It took a little while for her to even start to come back to herself. She cried, I prayed, we talked. She has a long way to go still. Watching her walk through this, knowing I can only do so much is truly heartbreaking. I can’t begin to imagine what she goes through, and I don’t pretend I understand.

Life is hard for us all, but it’s desperately more so for some. We all need an escape from time to time, but not all of us can get one.

We have to take care of each other in this life. We have to encourage each other as we walk our separate paths. We must be kind, even when we don’t feel like we have it in us.  And most importantly we must love each other, because sometimes people just need a little love.

Would you say a prayer for my sister? That the Lord would give her rest, and repair her brokenness. She is in desperate need of healing and restoration.

Peace, love and strength for the weak,



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