Update and Annoucement

Greetings friends! 

It's been so long since I have written or blogged, I don't even know where to begin. But big things are happening that need to be shared!  I will start with my main focus these days, which is Jubilee. 

Jubilee Louise-Anne Bernard was born November 5th and has been an incredible addition to our family. She was born in Canada, with Kenol by my side. He clapped, yelled and laughed all at the same time as she was placed on my chest for the first time. We were able to introduce her to the boys within the hour via FaceTime and then in person 3 weeks and 3 days later when we flew home with her. We have all adjusted well to having a little princess, as daddy calls her, in the house. The boys are incredible with her, very interested in everything and more than willing to help take care of her. The orphanage kids love her and come up to visit with her often. When we flew home my mom came back with us, and my dad came two weeks later. They have been very helpful and all around wonderful. Dad has kept busy with my loooong daddy do list and mom has been keeping busy sewing, cleaning, organizing and helping me adjust to life with 4 kiddos! The boys love having Grandma and Grandpa here.

 I have been on maternity leave since November and have loved every moment of being able to give Jubilee and the boys my full attention. I miss sleeping through the night, of course, but waking up to Jubilee's sweet smiles make the middle of the night feedings worthwhile.

When I head back to work on February 2nd things are going to be much different. After more than 8 years working with our orphanage, more than four of those years working as the orphanage director, I have the privilege and honour of handing the reins over to my dear friend and colleague, Katie Anderson. We have worked together at the orphanage for almost three years, and just a few weeks ago the final decision was made that she would officially be taking over the position of orphanage director. If there were ever a person I would trust whole heartedly to love and care for our staff and kids in my absence it would be her. She is a great blessing and has done an incredible job as interim director during my maternity leave. I believe she will bring the orphanage to a whole new level of awesomeness and I look forward to seeing her flourish in this new role.

As I step out of my role as orphanage director, I am excited to step into the role of Orphan Care Director with HaitiOne. HaitiOne is under the umbrella of Mission of Hope and is an alliance of organizations partnering together. HaitiOne has been the driving force of the nutrition program, but truly has the potential to be so much more. With this new role focusing on orphanages we hope to expand the ministry of HaitiOne and impact many more lives.

I will have the incredible opportunity to use the knowledge and experience I have gained over the past 8+ years to offer support and training to all the orphanages in the HaitiOne network. Orphanages all over the country!  I am humbled to have even been considered for a position like this, let alone been offered the job. I am so excited to be able to impact the lives of thousands of orphans all over this country. Please be praying for me over the next few months as I take on this new role. I pray The Lord would grant me the wisdom, understanding and confidence to take on and excel in this new position.

The idea of leaving my position at the orphanage was really difficult to fathom. Many tears were shed as this transition was considered, but never once did I question whether it was the right step. I have felt complete peace about this step from the very first time I heard about the role with HaitiOne. That being said, I have deeply mourned my role at the orphanage.  These kids and staff have been my life for 8+ years, and I love them deeply.  I am so thankful this transition allows me to continue to do life with the kids, and in all honesty I have actually enjoyed the slight shift in my relationships with the kids. I am no longer the mom who has to be the disciplinarian. I get to have a much more relaxed relationship with the kids now that I am not the one who grounds them and takes away privileges. I get to be the fun mom now!

For now I plan to soak up every last minute of my maternity leave, before I embark on this new journey! I will do my best to keep you updated on my new adventures.

Until next time, peace, love and exciting changes!



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