Out of Survival Mode

A few years ago I was talking to a friend of mine and said something along the lines of, "When life isn't so crazy I'm going to...". I still, to this day, think about what she said next. "Rachel, your life is always going to be crazy. You keep saying, "when things calm down", but things never calm down. You have to learn to live your life now,  in the midst of the crazy."

I had to get my mind out of survival mode.

On my walk yesterday I had this a-ha moment. I realized that I have finally made it out of survival mode. Instead of just trying to stay alive, just trying to get through the day, just trying to make it through until bedtime I'm actually living my life. I'm enjoying my days. I'm enjoying my children, my husband, my Bible study group, my friends, my work, my home.

Praise the Lord.


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