Over it.

I had a bad day yesterday. I've been shocked again and again at how insensitive, ungrateful and just plain rude people can be sometimes. I wont go into details of what happened but it's brought about some very strong feelings. Yesterday I was over it. O V E R  I T.

In my devotional time this morning I asked the Lord to reveal to me where I am going wrong. Similar situations have happened with this same group of people over and over for a little more than two years. I'm realizing more and more how imperfect I am, and want to stop throwing blame around like confetti undeservingly. Am I the problem? Lord reveal to me the areas I need to grow, the places I need to change, and heaven help me but once again give me the willpower to forgive these people who have hurt me and never seem to realize the damage they have done.

After a little too much reflecting and maybe some choice words and emotions spoken in my psyche I have come to the conclusion that the root of my disappointment is unmet expectations. I have unspoken expectations in my mind of how I should be treated, communicated to and appreciated and those expectations are not being met. Basically the polar opposite of what I feel should happen is what my reality is and not only am I frustrated but my feelings are hurt.

Let me climb down off my high horse for a moment. If I have unmet expectations the other character in this story must too. I need to think about the other side of this conflict. There's probably some disappointment on their side too, I'm not positive on this because that's never been communicated, but there must be.


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