Writing Prompt: I remember
I remember leaving my home filled with a sense

Soon, we stumbled upon a watermelon field which belonged to my friend’s family. We stepped over the short fence and picked a beautiful watermelon. I imagined we would carry it with us, but instead we sat on rocks and my friend hit the watermelon with his fist in one swift movement breaking open the delicious fruit. We torn off pieces and together laughed and ate the most delicious watermelon I ever tasted warm from the morning sun. We poured water from our bottles over our hands to clean away the sticky juice and continued our journey into the village. We walked up a short hill and when we reached the top and were able to see over to the other side I saw the most beautiful picture of Haiti, one I will never forget for as long as I live. Along a crystal clear stream, a number of women sat laughing and singing with their wash basins, piles of colourful laundry next to them, while children played all around them. The banana groves peeking out in front of the brilliant blue ocean. The sounds of life, of joy, of laughter filled the air and in that moment I understood why Haiti has been given the name the pearl of the Antilles.
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