The Epidemic
Epidemic. Is not the kind of word you want to hear; especially in a nation that is barely keeping it’s head above water as it is. Unfortunately the word epidemic has been ringing in our ears for the past few days. I know more about cholera now than I ever care to know. Thankfully this time we at least have some time to prepare. The hurricanes, the earthquakes, the car accidents, the sudden deaths; those come all of a sudden and all you can do is scramble to pick up the pieces. This time it’s different, this time we can actually be ready when disaster strikes and, we are ready, we are prepared. The beds are lined up, the buckets ready, the IV fluids and anti-biotics wait in anticipation. We sit quietly waiting for the chaos to break through the gate. Cholera we are ready for you! Not only are we prepared but we are also being proactive. The medical staff has been busy educating our students, our staff and our church. The kids are doing pretty well. They have been asking a lot of questi...